Saturday, December 12, 2009

Employing senior citizens?

Has anyone heard about the form that was being given to city employees asking them fill it out and give their opinon on if they think that senior citizens should be employed at the City of Salisbury? Also they wanted to know if they think that the senior citizens that are already employed, if anyone thinks that they are not capable of doing their job and if they should continue to be employed.
What plan do they have up their sleeves? A way to get rid of people that are to receive retirement soon and this way they will not have to pay out retirement?
Of course this will only concern the employees low on the totem pole and not the ones that hold a higher office, right?
Someone needs to find out who circulated this. Whose idea this was.
Did not work the way they wanted to though, I heard that most of the forms ended up in the trash.
If someone still has that form send it to the WBOC news room. Or maybe better yet post it on here so others can see it. Maybe bring it up in a future city council meeting.

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